Article - League Rules
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League Rules

Usman Mughal (

Here you will find answers to ambiguous questions regarding league rules
Q1: Umpire does not show up

A: It is the home team's responsibility to contact the assigned umpire (as per SCF App) 24hrs before the match and inform them about the ground address and any possible deployment or issue that may occur. In case the umpire is not assigned to the game or the umpire decline to show up then inform the regional league committee so a replacement can be made.

Q2: Player Sync in SCF App:

A: All players are synced with SCF App on Wednesday evening. If you have added new players to the team then you must confirm it on Thursday to verify that a new player has been added to the scorecard. In case you don't find a newly added player, send an email to SCF Office and all details.

Q3: League balls: The club have not received balls or is lacking balls

A: Please contact the SCF Office for league balls

Q4: Which D/L Calculator to use for SCF matches?


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